Thursday, May 19, 2011

Social Media & Technology

Social Media & Technology in Church

Written by Lauren Hunter  //  February 15, 2010  //  Social  //  21 Comments
The discussion of social media and technology usage in the church is rampant. It seems churches of all sizes and denominations are grappling with the issues of how to use the internet for evangelism and communication with their congregations and communities. Here’s a recent news clip from a TV station in Montana. It’s good food for thought.

  • Does your church use social media channels such as Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter to communicate with your congregation?

  • How do you use your website to communicate?

  • What other means of communication do you use?

    1. Ben, what a perfect piece to use on your blog for this class. When I see you in class I want to know how did you get this on to your blog.

    2. Nice clip, Birhanu! I might reference it for my project, as I'm comparing how different churches and church-related ministries use digital social media. I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of texting the pastor during sermons, but do have to agree that we should do all we can to share the Gospel.
