Friday, June 10, 2011

The dark side of media part three

The most watched teen network is MTV, where more than 3,000 soft porn images are 
broadcasted every week. Study by the RAND corporation demonstrated that:
Teens who watch a lot of sexualized programming are twice as likely to engage in sexual intercourse themselves.
2.      Teens listen to nearly 40 hours of radio a week.
3.      More than 25% of teen-targeted radio segments contain sexual content
4.      42% of top-selling CDs contain sexual content that is “pretty explicit” or “very explicit.”
Hip-hop is not rap! Rapping is style of conveying a message, like singing, humming,
whistling, etc. Hip-hop is a culture, or way of living and governing your life. There is also a style of music that is a part of the hip-hop culture, but it’s not just represented by rap.
5.         The founders and original pioneers of this culture teach that it is a religion.
6.          KRS-ONE and the Temple of Hip Hop teaches that this culture was designed to give
             knowledge to self, or to show the Black man himself as god!
7.      He also teaches that we should accept Hip Hop as an organized religion and accept Hip
          Hop's drug of choice, marijuana!
8.      KRS-ONE, the lead prophet of Hip Hop, the originator of Holy Hip Hop and the one that
         the Cross Movement holds in high regards even though he denounces the Christ of the
         bible states that Hip Hop and rap are 2 totally separate things that exist independently of
9        The following troublesome themes are prominent, in some rock music
10       Advocating and glamorizing abuse of drugs and alcohol.
11.    Pictures and explicit lyrics presenting suicide as an "alternative" or "solution." •
  12.   Graphic violence.
13.    Preoccupation with the occult; songs about satanism and human sacrifice, and the apparent
          enactment of these rituals in concerts.
14.   Sex which focuses on controlling sadism, masochism, incest, devaluing women, and violence toward women.
Sources :

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I agree with whomever was stating the "facts" about rap and hip hop that you quote here. It would help if you could cite -- or provide links -- to where you're getting these pieces. What would you make of this interview, for instance?
