Friday, June 10, 2011

Part two usage of Cell phone

Cell Phone
          A 15-year-old Pennsylvania girl is facing child pornography charges for sending nude photos of herself to other kids.
          A 19-year-old Florida man got thrown out of college and has to register as a sex offender for 25 years because he sent nude pictures of his girlfriend to other teens.
          A recent survey showed that 20 percent of kids under the age of 17 have admitted that they received revealing photos of other kids.
          March 6: 18-year-old Jesse Logan took her own life after a nude picture of her was passed around by e-mail.



  1. This is a horribley scary concept. But it shows how we don't think about something as simple as a text message can change your life...and the lives of countless others.

  2. I believe this will be a phenomenon that will die down simply because more and more of these will be prosecuted and all the evidence is right there for the world to see. The same thing happens with cyber bullying. Whereas with internet pornography, its much easier to use and/or participate without detection. That is not to say that someone putting themselves out there on a web page are going to get away with it any easier that those or are sexting or cyber-bullying. But I'm talking mainly about users.

  3. You are absolutely right Tony,
    soon or later inapproprate usage of cellphone will eventualy come to pass as people realize that it is not save to do so. However, the other point that worries me is, health related issue of long talk on cellphone. If what out there is coorrect, we have to make sure our young generation who are using the cell phone for extended hours should be aware of the health related impact.
